Paddle through History
The most beautiful landscapes of Lake Saimaa on the lake route, which
has been used for canoeing for over a hundred years. Historic canals,
wild rapids and protected areas along one and the same route. You can
start the trip by the Kermanranta marina in Kermajärvi nature reserve and end the tour in Kolovesi National Park.
- Duration of the tour: 7 Days / 6 nights (Approximately 66 km)
- Degree of Difficulty: Intermediate
- Trip type: Independent/self-guided
- Entry/exit points: Entry point in Heinävesi marina by the village of Heinävesi with good
train connections from Helsinki, Joensuu and Tampere. Exit points:
Kirkkoranta launch in Kolovesi or when doing a longer route in Oravi village.
- How to reach: fly first to Helsinki and then take a train to Varkaus and
continue by bus in Heinävesi. Nearest local airports:
Joensuu or Savonlinna. Nearest bus stations: Heinävesi, Savonranta and
Enonkoski. From Savonlinna you can first travel to Oravi by safari bus (17€/ person, book in advance) and then join the canoe delivery to Heinävesi. Transport from Kirkkoranta by taxi or by safari bus at 1pm to Oravi (book in advance).
- Accommodation options: There are NO CAMPING possibilites near the entry point in Heinävesi at all. Other accommodation options - See 25 km from the exit point there is a
small hostel in Enonkoski. In Kolovesi camping is only permitted on the camping grounds marked on the map. Other places follow everyman's right or
use designated campsites. Always take a camping cooker with you since
there is no fire wood available at every site.
- Good to know: please read the good to know page before starting the trip!
- Crocery stores and shops: The only shops are located at Heinävesi municipality center.
Description: Example route description can be seen on the map below. Of course you can modify your route as you wish. On the map you can see the camping places to choose from. Outside the national park areas (like in Joutenvesi if you continue to Oravi/ Linnansaari) you can camp with the everyman's right -notice that making fire is not allowed then. On the last day of the tour the group arrives at Kirkkoranta Launch in
Kolovesi, where the equipment will be returned (and pre-booked return
transport will be waiting). Notice that rental prices don't include the transport fees!