Seal Trail Individual Wilderness Canoeing Tours
Whether you are looking for adventure, exploration or just plain fun of
camping, the Seal Trail® can make your canoeing and kayaking dreams come
true! Lake Saimaa overflows with opportunities for paddlers of every
variety and skill level! Contact us and take home a real sense of
accomplishment from your next vacation!
The Great Northern Outdoors
Over 4000 km2 of linked potable fresh water lakes and no rigours of
portaging! This is paddling adventure Finnish style! Specializing in
wilderness adventure experiences, Kolovesi Retkeily Canoe Outfitters Co.
plans self-guided overnight paddling trips also with an itinerary
customized to meet your expectations! Choose from one of our planned routes or make your own -there is as many routes as there are paddlers!
À la Carte: Basic Trip Routes
Here is a selection of our most popular, pre-planned Seal Trail®
canoe and kayak trips. These routes shown here are based on intermediate
canoeist travel times (on average 13-16 km per day). Most of the
trails inside the protected areas offer a real wilderness-like
experience. There are no prepared shelters, running water facilities, or
signs to point the way. Primitively developed campsites near the
water’s edge provide a woodshed, fire grate, and latrine.
For planning your route, you can use our route maps (can be found from the route description pages) and free map service
Guided and tailor-made adventures
Tell us your dream and we’ll make it happen to you! Individual
tailor-made trip planning means choosing a route based on the length of
your vacation and your objectives. Personalized trip planning includes
many phases: setting up trip dates, choosing an individual route (entry
and exit points), type of equipment you require, arranging
transportation and accommodations before and after the trip, reserving
fishing licenses etc.
Word of caution
Paddling can be very dangerous and physically demanding activity.
Every client should fully understand that participating in kayaking or
canoeing may involve risk of serious injury and severe social and
economic losses. Totally safe routes simply don’t exist in this world.
Self-guided trips occur on your own responsibility.
Three of our most popular routes are:
Kolovesi circuit
-Min. 2 days, safe waters and good camp grounds. Suitable also for weekend trips and family tours!
Heinävesi route
-Ca. 66km, 4-7 days. Start from Heinävesi. Route goes trough the ancient water ways of Kerma and Heinävesi ending to Kolovesi National Park.
National Park Tour
-Min. 130km, 10-14 days. The ultimate wild canoeing experience! Experience the top lake destinations, the Kolovesi and Linnansaari National Parks and Joutenvesi protected area on the same tour.